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Janice Croom
"If there's a book that you want to read but it hasn't been written, then you must write it." Toni Morrison
Click on the cover to read an excerpt.
Holiday With Love Romances
Can a brother from another planet find love?
Will they land in a love only God can give?
Kadence Macbride Mysteries
Urban Fantasy
Have a boss you'd happily kill? Somebody beat her to it.
She wanted a reconciliation. She got a murder.
The One: A Holiday With Love Romance
Can a man who values beauty above all find love with an ugly duckling?
In a family filled with happily ever afters, ugly duckling Addie has been jilted for the last time. There is no “one” for her, so why keep looking?
Marcus, the dog, only dates Two Ls. Women so perfectly beautiful you have to take a second look. Thrown together on a pre-Thanksgiving cruise, will this imperfect beauty steal his heart?
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