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Janice Croom is the author of the Kadence MacBride mysteries and Holiday with Love Romances. She initially studied fiction techniques to improve her non-fiction writing. Given an assignment to write the first chapter of a novel, Janice read hers aloud. The class applauded and the teacher asked, “What happens next?”

“The assignment was to write the first chapter not what happened next,” Janice said so she had no idea. By the end of the class, Janice wanted to know what happened next. That quest, to tell her character’s stories, to learn what happens next, drives her as a writer.

When not writing she’s a voracious reader and views writing as reverse reading. Toni Morrison said, “If there’s a story you want to read that hasn’t been written, you must write it.” Janice has written the stories she wanted to read and hopes you enjoy reading them as much as she’s enjoyed writing them.

© 2016 by JANICE CROOM. Proudly Created with Death of an Idiot Boss cover image licensed through, robeo/ Death of an Island Tart cover image llicensed through Dustin Dennis/


Athena's Daughters published by Silence in the Library Publishing. Edited by Maggie Allen and Janine Spendlove. Print Cover art by Autumn Frederickson, eBook Cover art by Kelli Neier, Interior art by Ginger Breo.

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